Battle of small numbers
Pedagogical goal
With the help of this game, children will master the meaning of numbers from 0 to 7 by making comparisons and finding equivalences. We will introduce age-appropriate mathematical symbols to allow children to communicate comparisons by using verbal expressions.
Cut the cards and discuss with the children the symbols and numbers presented on the cards. Use the given pictures to give meaning to the symbols “more than”, “less than”, and “equal to”.
For beginners
Select the cards with quantities known to the children or start with the cards 0, 1, 2 (in picture and number). If the child does not know their numbers, this game can be played with the images (0, 1, and 2 objects) and then the child can be introduced to the corresponding numbers. We can slowly add larger quantities (pictures and numbers) according to the child’s willingness.
Place all the cards on a table with the pictures visible. Ask the child to find where there are as many flowers as mushrooms. Verify by matching term to term so that it forms an equivalence with the help of the equal sign “=”. Recommend to the child to explore the set of cards to form equivalences or inequivalences. For example, you can say “The winner is the person that creates more equivalences” or “The winner is the person who can create more sentences using ‘less than’”. Each time, verify the sentence using the “term to term” method. When they cannot form any more sentences, it is likely that the child did not use the empty cards or the “0” card. Discuss with the child the meaning of the number 0. In this game, “0” means that there are no objects. We can form equivalences “empty=0” or inequivalences “0 is less than any number on the table”, and “on this empty card, there are fewer objects than on a card with pictures”. By working with small numbers, do not force the child to count the pictures if the number cards are not present. Term-to-term equivalence is an important concept that should not be compromised. Once working with large numbers, the term-to-term method becomes inconvenient and can be enriched by counting, which is more efficient.
Shuffle the cards and distribute them equally to the players (except for the cards with the comparison symbols). Each player places their cards in front of them in a pile with the pictures hidden. In turns, all players will show one card from their pile. Compare the quantities (pictures or numbers) to find the largest amount. The children are encouraged to place the comparison symbols in a way that reflects the cards shown. The player with the card showing the greatest amount takes the other cards and places them under their pile. If two or more cards have the same amount, the owner of these cards must show another card from their stack to cover their previous card and change the amount in question. Then, reassess the situation to find the highest amount with the new sets of cards. Ultimately, whoever accumulates the most cards, wins the game.